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ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents 2024 in China

CAS-TWAS (ANSO) Chinese Government Scholarship 2024

The CAS-TWAS Scholarships in China have been renamed as ANSO Scholarships. The ANSO Chinese Scholarships Program for the 2024-2025 academic year is currently inviting applications from international scholars. The application period for these scholarships is now open and will continue until February 15, 2024.

What is CAS-TWAS Fellowship (ANSO Scholarship)?

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), located in China, is an esteemed institution focusing on natural sciences and technological innovations. It plays a pivotal role in advancing scientific and technological education and research within China, while also developing a comprehensive research and development network.

In a landmark collaboration, the CAS partnered with The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) to launch a fellowship program. TWAS, initially an independent global entity founded by a group of distinguished scientists from Italy, aimed to support scientifically talented individuals and contribute to sustainable development. It operated autonomously without government oversight until it formed an alliance with UNESCO, which now manages its administrative functions.

The CAS-TWAS partnership is a strategic move to foster scientific research in developing regions globally. The CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program is a testament to this collaboration. Each year, this program offers 200 scholarships to international candidates, enabling them to pursue doctoral degrees in China.

This prestigious ANSO fellowship allows recipients to study at either the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), or various CAS Institutes across the nation. Today, the CAS-TWAS Scholarship is highly respected and sought after for its role in promoting advanced scientific education and research.

Who can apply for the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024-2025?

The CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 is open to candidates from the science and technology sectors who are seeking to pursue doctoral studies in China. This scholarship provides the necessary financial assistance to facilitate their academic goals.

What is the duration of the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024?

The CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program offers financial support to successful applicants for the duration of their doctoral studies in China, covering up to four full academic years.

Sponsorship of ANSO Scholarships 2024

The CAS-TWAS (ANSO) Chinese Scholarship 2024 offers significant benefits to its recipients:

1# Travel Expenses: Scholars will receive a one-time fully-funded air ticket to China. Of the 200 awardees, TWAS funds 80 and CAS covers 120. This also includes a one-time visa fee compensation of $65, provided upon arrival at the host universities in China. Note that those already in China at the time of receiving the fellowship won’t receive travel and visa compensation.

2# Stipend: Each awardee will get a monthly stipend between RMB 7000 and RMB 8000, funded by CAS through UCAS or USTC. This stipend is meant to cover accommodation, living expenses, travel within China, and health insurance. It’s disbursed after passing a qualification test conducted by UCAS or USTC.

3# Qualification Test: Fellowship recipients must pass a qualification test by UCAS or USTC to receive the stipend. Failure to pass the test twice may lead to termination of the scholarship, discontinuation of doctoral studies, or receipt of a certificate of attendance without a doctoral degree.

4# Fee Waiver: The fellowship includes a waiver of application and tuition fees.

Eligibility Criteria for ANSO Scholarship 2024 in China

To qualify for the CAS-TWAS President’s Scholarship 2024, candidates must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Age Limit: Applicants should be no older than 35 years
  2. Nationality: Candidates must not hold Chinese citizenship when applying for the ANSO Scholarship 2024.
  3. Admission Requirements: All applicants must meet the admission criteria of either USTC or UCAS
  4. Educational Qualification: Applicants are required to have a Master’s degree before September 1, 2024.
  5. Language Proficiency: Proof of proficiency in either Chinese or English is mandatory.
  6. Commitment to Return Home: Applicants must provide evidence of their intention to return to their home country after completing their studies in China.
  7. No Additional Assignments: Fellowship recipients are not permitted to undertake any other assignments during the tenure of the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program.
  8. Existing Doctoral Students: Individuals currently enrolled in a doctoral program in China are ineligible for this fellowship.
  9. Single Application Rule: Applicants cannot apply to both USTC and UCAS simultaneously for the fellowship.
  10. One Supervisor Policy: Each applicant must apply to only one supervisor at either USTC or UCAS.

Document Requirements for CAS-TWAS Scholarship Application

The following documents are required by the ANSO Scholarship 2024 Program:

  • Reference Letters:

Each applicant has to provide two letters of reference that have been written by referees who personally know the applicant and his or her work. The host supervisor may not be one of the two referees. It is preferred that the referees are also TWAS members, although this isn’t a requirement.

The letters of recommendation need to be scanned as well as uploaded along with the online application. In addition, a hard copy of the letters has to be sent to USTC or UCAS prior to the deadline. These letters should not be pasted within an email. Applicants will not be given any indication regarding the identity of TWAS members by TWAS. Applicants can only contact them for letters of recommendation if they know them personally. The referees will also be required to scan the letters of recommendation and upload them, as well as mail hard copies to the USTC or UCAS sub-offices.

  • Referees’ and Supervisor’s Acceptance Letter:

All applicants need to remind their supervisors to fill out the comment section of the supervisor and add their signature on the CAS-TWAS application form at their end. This acceptance letter document has to be sent to USTC or UCAS before the deadline. Individuals who are applying to UCAS also have to send hard copies of this form to the respect UCAS affiliated institution or college where the student will be going.

  • Acceptance Letter Form Scan:

Individuals who are applying to USTC have to ask their supervisors to send a scan of the form via email to [email protected]. A hard copy can also be sent to the institute’s Office of International Cooperation. Applicants are also responsible for sending reminders to their referees that they have to scan the reference letters and upload them as well. These documents also have to be posted to the USTC or UCAS sub-offices as well.

All applicants also have to ensure that they submit all required documents that provide evidence of the details filled out by the applicant in the application form. It is important for these documents to be in Chinese or in English. If the documents are in some other language, then they have to be translated and notarized. When electronic versions of the documents are being uploaded, applicants should make sure that they adhere to the formatting specifications of the system.

  • Sending Hard Copies of Scanned Documents:

If an applicant is successful and awarded the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program and gets an acceptance to USTC or UCAS institutes, then he or she has to submit hard copies of the original documents that were submitted online earlier. In addition, the passport of the applicant also has to be given to the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program office once the individual reaches China. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.

List of Documents Required to Apply for CAS-TWAS Scholarships:

Applicants can refer to the list below to see the documents that need to be submitted online along with the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program application.

  1. Each applicant needs to submit his or her passport, which must be valid for a period of at least two years. The pages containing personal details and validity have to be uploaded.
  2. The applicant must submit an updated and complete CV, which should contain a summary of their research experience.
  3. The applicant needs to submit copies of his or her original degrees of both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Applicants who are almost about to graduate or who still have to receive the official degrees are required to send official letters obtained from their respective institutions where they are presently enrolled, which should verify their student status and should also mention the expected date of graduation.
  4. Applicants must also submit a copy of all their undergraduate and graduate-level course transcripts.
  5. Each applicant must submit a research proposal that they are planning to undertake.
  6. A copy of the title page and abstract of a maximum of five published academic papers can be sent.
  7. Applicants must also provide proof that know either Chinese or English or both. They can send an English Proficiency Certificate, TOEFL, or IELTS score for English, or the HSK report for Chinese.
  8. Applicants must also download the Foreigner Physical Examination for the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program. This needs to be filled, signed, and also sealed by a certified healthcare provider, who must conduct a physical examination of the candidate. This has to be scanned and uploaded, in addition to all other documents.
  9. Two letters of recommendation/letters of reference are also required.

The CAS – TWAS President’s Fellowship Program Application Process

Please find below a detailed outline of the application process for the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program:

  • Eligibility for the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program:

First, aspiring applicants have to ensure that they are eligible to apply for this fellowship by thoroughly reviewing the criteria stated above.

  • Host Supervisor Requirements for the ANSO Chinese Scholarship Program:

Applicants can look for host supervisors in their subjects first in USTC or CAS institutions first. It is necessary for the supervisor to be associated with a CAS, USTC, or UCAS-affiliated educational institute, and should also be deemed eligible for offering guidance to students who receive the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program.

Applicants can refer to each university’s website to find a list of eligible supervisors and institutions. After a supervisor has been shortlisted, it is then the responsibility of the applicant to get in touch with the supervisor by sending an email that explains their purpose for the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program.

They also need to provide proof that they are academically proficient by submitting a research proposal and an updated resume. In addition, supplementary documentation may also be sent so that the supervisor can gauge the applicant’s academic aptitude. A supervisor may ask for a telephone interview prior to making his/her decision.

  • CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program Application:

After a supervisor has agreed to work with a prospective student, the student can then fill out the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program application online. Please note that the application form for USTC institutions is different from the one used for UCAS institutions.

  • CAS-TWAS Scholarship Application Form:

Each individual will have to create an online account on the USTC or CAS application website. Follow the instructions provided to fill out the fellowship form. This form will also allow applicants to submit supporting documents as well. It would be wise to submit the application early so that referees and supervisors are also offered plenty of time to assess the applicants and provide letters of recommendation.

The CAS-TWAS application form can be accessed by the applicant as many times as desired, and information can be added or changed before the deadline. All applicants should save any changes made to the form prior to signing out. A PDF version of the application can also be viewed. After all, the information has been reviewed and the applicant is satisfied with it, the application can be submitted. Please remember to save a copy of the application for your future reference.

  • Submission of documents for the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program:

Applicants are required to upload all required documentation once they have submitted the application form. If the required documentation is not submitted on time, the application may be disqualified. Applicants should make sure that the documents are clear and the file sizes are optimized for submission. Applicants can refer to the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program Requirement for Online Application in order to access a checklist of all the documents that are required for submission.

The CAS – TWAS Scholarship Result, Application Tracking, and Resubmission

After the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program application form has been submitted along with the required documents, the application can be tracked by clicking on ‘Track Your Application’ in order to access the results of the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program. In some cases, the application may be sent back to the applicant to edit further, which can be submitted again.

For example, if an applicant chooses to provide a new email contact of a new referee, another email will be sent to the named referee to allow him/her to submit the reference. In case there have been no changes in the email addresses, then no new emails will be sent out regardless of any other changes that are made to the application. If an applicant changes any parts of the application, it is necessary for him or her to contact the supervisor to inform them of these changes.

Where & When to Apply for the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship 2024 Program?

Individuals who wish to apply to the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program should contact their guides or supervisors should they have any questions related to the scholarship.

Prospective applicants who wish to pursue their programs at UCAS through the Chinese ANSO Scholarship 2024-2025 Program can submit their applications and address their questions to the:

Ms. Xie Yuchen: CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program UCAS Office (UCAS), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 80 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, 100190, China
Fax: +86-10-82674-900
Tel: +86-10-82674-900
Email: [email protected]

Individuals who want to apply to study at USTC through the CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program can submit their applications and address their queries to the:

Ms. Lin Tian (Linda Tian): CAS-TWAS Chinese Scholarship Program USTC Office (USTC), University of Science and Technology of China, 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui, 230026 China
Fax: +86-55-1 63632-579
Tel: +86-55-1 63600-279
Email: [email protected]

Yousaf Saeed

I'm Dr. Engr. Yousaf Saeed, founder of the AScholarship Education Portal. My academic path includes 3 prestigious international scholarships — Australia Awards, CSC, and HKPFS — for my higher studies. I am also an IChemE affiliate whereas I've also worked for companies like Aramco and BYCO oil refinery as an production engineer at the start of my career. I completed MS, and PhD with major research publications in leading SCI journals (details on my Researchgate Profile). This reflects my commitment to educating and therefore i started it for the purpose to guide aspiring international students for find scholarships for their higher education dream. As an experienced educator and mentor, I specialize in navigating the intricacies of research and patent and write useful articles on these topics too.

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