Higher Education Guidance & Counselling

10 Most Difficult Majors for a Bachelor’s (Undergrad) degree

List of 10 Hardest Undergrad Degrees

What makes a subject harder or easier?

It’s your interest and passion.

If you have an interest in any major then it will not be difficult for you. The complex STEM rules even can’t affect your decision, if you have a passion for a particular subject.

Most Difficult Undergrad Majors List

Here I will provide a list of the 10 hardest majors for your Bachelor’s degree

#1 Mathematics

Some people thought that mathematics has its language. Mathematics has been a tough subject for some students from beginning grades. If you have a love for calculation, then this major is best for you. The average GPA for this major is 3.3Sixteen hours in a week is enough for this subject. Different subjects will learn under this hardest major are calculus, geometry, algebra, statistics, and probability.

#2 Architecture 

The architecture major requires almost 22 hours in a week for class. You will learn about the history and theory behind architecture. You will also learn the designing and building structures. The average GPA for this major is 3.3. You will also need to spend time on drafting. It will be difficult in sense of building a career. 

#3 Astronomy 

The average number of hours which you will need to spend on it is 18 hours in a week. Astronomy deals with the study of planets, asteroids, stars and is somewhat related to the black hole phenomenon. The different subjects, which you will learn under this major are computer science, calculus, physics, cosmology, and planetary geology. The average GPA for the major is  3.5.

#4 Fine Arts

Almost 16 hours will require on this major. The average GPA for this major is 3.3.  If you will opt for this major. Then, you will need to spend extra time for this major of bachelor’s degree. You will have to spend a lot of time polishing your skills. The various subjects under this fine arts are painting, drawing, sculpture, and printmaking. 

#5 Philosophy 

It is one of the hardest majors for a bachelor’s degree. A lot of effort and brainstorming is needed on your part for this major. The average GPA for this major is 3.1. It will be hard for you to maintain the GPA of this major. Various subjects under the domain of philosophy are metaphysics, history, mathematics, and history of it. The average weekly hours of this major are 16. 

#6 Physics

For this major, you need to spend 18 hours and 30 minutes a week. In physics majors, you will learn about force and energy. You will also come to know about the properties of matter and movements. The average GPA for this major is 3.1. The topics under discussion during studies: gravity, electricity, magnetism, quantum theory, thermodynamics, vibrations, and waves.

#7 Chemical Engineering

The average hours required for preparing for class in a week are 21. Chemical Engineering is a subtype of engineering. It deals with the production of chemicals, their usage as well transportation. It also encompassed the operation of chemical plants. The courses you will study under this major are chemistry, physics, biology, materials sciences, engineering, kinetics, and transport processes. The average GPA for the major is 3.2.

#8 Accounting

Accounting is the hardest but excellent major for you in terms of your career. It will return your investment. If you have a love for applied mathematics then, this is the best major for you. The average GPA for this major field is 3.2. You will need to spend 16.5 hours a week for class. Some modules for this major are Auditing, business law, financial markets, taxation, and microeconomics. 

#9 Cellular and microbiology

It is the hardest major because it has the heaviest workload. The average GPA for cellular and microbiology is 3.2. You will need to spend 18.5 hours in a week for this major. If you choose this subject then you can visualize the concepts without seeing them with your eyes. It is an interdisciplinary study that combines chemistry and biology. The courses that are required for this major are biology, chemistry, math, biochemistry, ecology, and immunology. 

#10 Neuroscience

The average hours required for this major in a week are 18.08. This major deals with the human nervous system. It focuses on the structure, development, and functions of the nervous system. It emphasizes brain and cognitive processes. The modules required for this major are psychology, biology, chemistry, and physics. The average GPA for this major is 3.5.

Summing Up

It can be concluded that you can apply for the hardest major if you have an interest in that field. If you will do any major with hard work and passion then, it will not be harder for you. It’s all depending on you that how you will deal with the major. It is you that makes any major hardest or easier.

Yousaf Saeed

I'm Dr. Engr. Yousaf Saeed, founder of the AScholarship Education Portal. My academic path includes 3 prestigious international scholarships — Australia Awards, CSC, and HKPFS — for my higher studies. I am also an IChemE affiliate whereas I've also worked for companies like Aramco and BYCO oil refinery as an production engineer at the start of my career. I completed MS, and PhD with major research publications in leading SCI journals (details on my Researchgate Profile). This aScholarship.com reflects my commitment to educating and therefore i started it for the purpose to guide aspiring international students for find scholarships for their higher education dream. As an experienced educator and mentor, I specialize in navigating the intricacies of research and patent and write useful articles on these topics too.

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